For the past three years, I've spent a large part of my time in Utah - leaving only briefly, and rarely for a visit back to Texas, or somewhere else for the holidays. The strange part of it is, I don't really envision myself staying here after college is done - but I don't really feel like anywhere else is 'home' right now. Which leaves me in a sort of 'limbo' or 'purgatory' -- surrounded by friends, I still feel sort of ... homeless.
No, I don't feel exactly like those men women and children who are, quite literally, Homeless - I actually feel very blessed. I just don't feel that sense of belonging that you find when you live in a home, surrounded by those with whom you share more than just a bond of friendship. That's why I've decided that this 'homeless' feeling, mixed in with just a bit of wanderlust may serve a higher purpose than to just make one edgy when wondering "where do I go from here?"
In truth, I would hope that none of us feel as though we "belong" in our college years - at least not for the long term (obviously it helps to feel as though you fit in with your peers, age-wise, as well as regarding one's perspective on life). As Carrie Underwood's recent song admonishes... "This is just our temporary home..." This is not to say we shouldn't invest ourselves in lasting friendships, and cultivate the higher virtues that would serve us well for the remaining years of our life -- only that we should regard this time as we do our favorite seasons... they are wonderful in countless ways, but like the seasons they don't last. We take memories and friendships with us - but refusing to let this era settle comfortably into its place in the past would only needlessly take up room that should be reserved for the yet-undiscovered adventures that await us.
My conclusion? If you feel just a little on-edge whilst you finish your college years (especially while unmarried), then I'd say that's a good indicator your heart is in the right place. There are bigger and better things to accomplish - and to wish for its perpetuation would be to forsake all that lies in store for us. There's no great need to rush past college, if all you're after is to see what's around the next bend in the road, but neither would I have anyone sell themselves short, thinking that these are the best years of your life.
So... don't get too comfortable. You ain't seen nothin' yet. :-)
** P.S. One of my favorite Billy Joel songs goes along with this - it's called "Vienna"