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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Seen @ BYU

So - lately, there have been two new rather faddish fan-pages on Facebook, at least for those who are familiar with BYU campus. They are "Seen @ BYU" and "Overheard @ BYU" -- where posters are encouraged to publicize odd, interesting, crazy, zany, or just plain whacked out examples of culture and life on BYU campus. I have to admit, having walked this campus for 3 years now, I have seen and heard some pretty weird things - and wished I had a camera or a tape recorder to keep those interesting tid-bits for posterity.

Interestingly enough, the first of the two to be formed -- "Overheard @ BYU" -- was inspired by a group named "Overheard in Vegas" ... a smaller attempt to subvert the conventional wisdom that "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." Hopefully nothing as seedy as the commonplace occurrences in Vegas will rear their ugly heads at BYU.

While both are fairly new, they are rapidly acquiring a fan base - and the thought of having an army of thousands of listeners/photographers running around BYU, gleaning pieces of information is a daunting thought. The "victims" for the most part are ano
nymous -- people have been discouraged from providing identifying information along with the quotes or photos -- and it may end up that no one who become unintentionally famous will ever know about it. That is, of course, unless some 'friend' of their recognizes them, and 'tags' them in a photo!

So - for those of you who have enjoyed the peculiarities of BYU campus, and maybe think you might enjoy 'updating' your repertoire of BYU's unique quirks - go look these two up on Facebook. Who knows ... you might have a 'gem' tucked away, waiting for the right venue to share it in -- even if it's from a bygone era.

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